Record metadata:

Type Cultural Object (2014 Definition)
TitleIIc 6474
KeywordsBag for man
DescriptionA bag made from handwoven cloth (kola, M) and shells, presumably worn by a man to carry his implements. The shells decorating the cord indicated a person of high status may have owned this bag.The base of the bag and the end of the fringes are decorated with white glass beads.
Creator of ObjectPresumed Makasae people
Date CreatedPre August 1935
Place CreatedPresumed Baguia Sub-district, Baucau District, Timor-Leste
Object TypePersonal object
DimensionsBag: 45 cm high (incl. fringe) x 15.5 cm wide Cord: 47 cm length
Use status in 2014Not used
MaterialHand woven cloth (kola, M, tais, T), shells and white glass beads.
TechniqueHand woven and dyed
Institution/Holder: objectMuseum der Kulturen Basel
CollectorDr Alfred Bühler
Date CollectedAugust 1935
Place CollectedBaguia Sub-district, Baucau District, Timor-Leste
File CopyrightMuseum der Kulturen Basel. Photograph taken by Joanna Barrkman, 2014
MKB/Buehler object titleTasche; Männertasche mit Tragband, G lessuloda
Production status in 2014Not made
Timorese Language Term/sLode, M Kohe, T

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