Record metadata:

Type Cultural Object (2014 Definition)
TitleIIc 6040
DescriptionSee IIc 6025
Creator of ObjectPresumed Makasae people
Date CreatedPre August 1935
Place CreatedPresumed Baguia Sub-district, Baucau District, Timor-Leste
Object TypePersonal object
Dimensions13.5 cm high
Use status in 2014Rarely used
MaterialBamboo rubbed with charcoal
TechniqueHand carved and incised
Institution/Holder: objectMuseum der Kulturen Basel
CollectorDr Alfred Bühler
Date CollectedAugust 1935
Place CollectedBaguia Sub-district, Baucau District, Timor-Leste
File CopyrightMuseum der Kulturen Basel. Photograph taken by Joanna Barrkman, 2014
MKB/Buehler object titleDose: dose für Kalkpulver mit Stülpdeckel, G
NotesThese containers were consistently identified as having several purposes and not singularly identified with lime powder for betelnut chewing. Possibly their usefulness extended beyond storage containers for lime powder over time since 1935. Thus their use has become adapted according to various materials that need care and protection.
Production status in 2014Not made
Timorese Language Term/sSua saka, M Mama fatin, T

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