Record metadata:

Type Cultural Object (2014 Definition)
TitleIIc 6491
KeywordsTall woven fibre basket with insert tray
DescriptionThis basket was used to serve betelnut (malu bu'a, M) at ceremonial occasions. This malu bu'a andar is used for the gift giving of marriage dowry. For example, it could be used to present a ceremonial pendant (laba lewe, M; belak, T), cash other valuable goods. Malu bu’a ‘andar’; ‘andar’ = stairs, a reference to tthe height of the basket. This basket was identified as a type of basket from Viqueque District 'modelu husi aldeia Nusa iha Distritu Viqueque'. It is decorated with horse and human figures. Such as basket was used in the ceremonial house (oma falu, M ume lisan, uma adat, T) to serve visitors and guests and family for the bridewealth negotiations (fetosaun umane, T). 'Bore' is a supplementary weave technique whereby the dyed fibre is woven onto the basic basket structure after it has been woven to create the decorative pattern. 'Ete sina' and 'teri sina' are terms that refer to the vertical and horizontal weave.
Creator of ObjectPresumed Makasae people
Date CreatedPre August 1935
Place CreatedPresumed Baguia Sub-district, Baucau District, Timor-Leste
Object TypeBasket
Dimensions21 cm diameter 23.5 cm high
Use status in 2014Not used
MaterialPalm fronds, akadiru, T, (Borassus flabellifer L.)
TechniqueHand woven
Institution/Holder: objectMuseum der Kulturen Basel
CollectorDr Alfred Bühler
Date CollectedAugust 1935
Place CollectedBaguia Sub-district, Baucau District, Timor-Leste
File CopyrightMuseum der Kulturen Basel. Photograph taken by Joanna Barrkman, 2014
MKB/Buehler object titleKorb, G [basket] Malu bua, M Description: sirih-pinang basket for women. Double walls. Outer finely braided red-black patterned. Rectangle with slip lid without using.
NotesViewed and identified at community viewings at Alawa Kraik 5/8/14 and Larisula 16/8/14. Also identified by Sra Ana Maria Pinto, Nelu Dae, Alawa Kraik on 6/8/14 and Sra Joanna Fernandes, Bahatata, on 10/8/2014.
Production status in 2014Not made (in this scale)
Timorese Language Term/sMalu bu'a andar, M

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